Taking a Honeymoon Tour or Her Own Path

Who are planning a honeymoon here? If yes, most you guys Taking a Honeymoon Tour or Her Own Path? This question is often a scourge for couples who are planning a honeymoon! Well, this time let us make a list of pluses and minuses honeymoon taking a tour and his own way!

Taking a Honeymoon Tour or Her Own Path

Taking A Tour


+ Everything's well planned
If you're coming to the tour, then all is definitely taken care of by the tour agency so that you don't need to bother buying a ticket, booking the hotel even takes care of the visa. What you do, you stay to pay and wait for the departure date.

+ A lot of “photographers impromptu”
One of the most common problems when the honeymoon his own way is looking for people to capture the moment of the journey you and your partner. Well, it's good to go tour is a lot of couples or other families in the tour so that the affairs of the auxiliary help the photo not be a problem!

+ The main attractions not to be missed
If you join the tour you will visit all the major attractions of the city. So no need to fear there will be attractions passed.

+ About the stomach was definitely assured
Most of the problems of the people of Indonesia is the difficult to find food that fit on the tongue when abroad. Well if suppose you come with tour, they would have to find food that fits with the tongue of Indonesia. Usually they will find a restaurant, Chinese or other Asian. In addition, if you just want to eat food that is halal also you can communicate with the tour you.


Activities solid every day
Can not be denied activities during the coming tour it's definitely very solid. For example, if you go to tour to Western Europe, in 10 days you can visit 7 different countries. It would indeed be a lot of countries that you can visit, but certainly the activity is very solid and there is no time to relax.

– Lack of time to enjoy the tourist attractions
Because of the hectic activities, the time you can spend in one place just became very limited.

Own Way


+ More time to relax
If planning your own itinerary, you can better determine your own schedule your trip. You can relax in the determine the schedule of your trip.

+ Try out the local culinary
The thrill of the road itself is you have more time to be able to try out the local cuisine. Yes, as we already explain above, if you participate tour, you'll eat more Asian food or Chinese and not the local food of the country. Not funny right when it's in Italian but instead of eating spaghetti but instead shop?

+ Can get to know your partner in different situations
If this is a journey together with a partner for the first time, you can certainly explore her personality further without being bothered by anyone. Curious right how do you react when he has to face the situation in which he was lost?

– Must research more
The roads themselves need a lot of research so take time to do research.

Posted by: Wedding Venue Blog

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