The Choice Of The Form Of Wedding Bouquet

Choose the form of wedding bouquet can say easy easy difficult, because there are many things you need to consider to determine a suitable wedding bouquet for you a happy day, ranging from different types of flowers, the color of the flowers, to the form of wedding bouquet that on its own. This time, The Bride Dept. will share some form of wedding bouquet that you can select for you a happy day. Check out this article Yes!

The Choice Of The Form Of Wedding Bouquet

1. Round Wedding Bouquet
The shape of the round does look simple and traditional, but still look elegant. This form is suitable for all concepts wedding/dress. If you get married in the building-shaped venue/hall, rose will give formal impression. Conversely, if the concept of your wedding are located in the casual and outdoor area, baby's breath would be more suitable.

2. Pageant Wedding Bouquet
Wedding bouquet with this model, you have to put it on the lap hand you like he was holding a baby. Pretty unique eh? The shape turned out to have meaning that represents the honor of women. This model is suitable for you who hold modern-style wedding. Some flowers are suitable options for this model is the calla lily, gladiolus, delphinium, and larkspur.

3. Cascade Wedding Bouquet
Wedding bouquet this model also known as shower bouquet and is a model that belongs to the formal and traditional round wedding bouquet. Wedding bouquet typical of this model is its round on top and tapering below. If you select this model, you are guaranteed to look sophisticated and stylish. All types of flowers also fit this model.

The Choice Of The Form Of Wedding Bouquet

4. Wedding Nosegay Bouquet
Model wedding bouquet that is found in the 15th century is suitable for you who hold weddings are private and intimate. Because it uses many elements of foliage, this model impressed greener than other models. Wedding Nosegay bouquet is also commonly made with Ribbon or fabric to cover the flower stalk.

5. Pomander Wedding Bouquet
Wedding bouquet that one is also often called a kissing ball because its shape is round like a ball that plastered the flowers. This model also impressed is more expensive than other models of wedding bouquet. Typically, the pomander wedding bouquet brought by the flower girl, but you can also make it as decoration in wedding.

6. Wedding Bouquet Posy
Small and round shape make it easily held with one hand. This model is usually held by a bridesmaid. Selection of a suitable for this model also varied, for example, gerbera, tulips, peonies, and roses.

Posted by: Wedding Venue Blog

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