Reduce The Cost Of The Wedding

To get around the limited funds marriage does indeed become a thing are endless should we do until the wedding was held. Every day, we must find additional funding in a variety of places even though we've been many times planning the use of funds. Here are some tips to reduce the cost of the wedding:

Reduce The Cost Of The Wedding

1. Don't need the story to all people if we will be married
I mean, when we're about to buy something related with wedding, for example the material for the kebaya, a souvenir, or the process of tailoring the kebaya itself, is pointless if we do not explain that such goods will be used for the wedding event. Usually, when we buy kebaya material, for example, if the seller knows that we are looking for brocade material for dress/kebaya wedding, they will direct us to the fabric-the fabric is expensive, so also when we buy traditional fabrics such as songket and batik. Sometimes we bought with the promise that “the material is good” because it will be used “once in a lifetime”, though there might just be a fabric that is just as good but cheaper. There are many vendors who herded the us to take emotional decisions in preparing for the wedding. Did you know that tailor kebaya usually ask for a fee of 10 – 15 million dollars to make kebaya wedding, can give the price under 5 million dollars if we do not say that we are ordering kebaya for the wedding? (If you don't believe, but just ask to tailor kebaya: “If the kebaya ordinary plus the sequins a little, how much it costs yes, ma'am? Almost certainly much different from the price “kebaya akad” and “kebaya resepsi” he offered)

2. Book the services of wedding organising, not wedding planning
If you intend to use the services of a wedding organiser, select services for wedding organising, which is much cheaper than the wedding planning. Some of the wedding organiser is willing to work with you since H-90 although the services selected are the wedding organising. In many cases, it is already more than enough because of the work that must be done before the H-90 is not a lot and you can do it yourself.

3. Ask for help from the salon subscription
Almost every woman has a salon mainstay! Most of the salon the mainstay of this is the salon or home traditional which is not far from the house. Where do you usually go to prettify yourself before going to a party or other formal events? Kapster-kapster you can be a great choice to be invited to be involved in your wedding. To clothe the family, either a parent, a sibling, or a large family, we often encounter the dilemma because the packages offered by the studio custom and make up artist often make the budget, We can invite kapster salon to help menyanggul and clothe our families, and so they cost less. Although cheaper, the make-up and hair-do of course also have to be their specialist, although not specific to the wedding event.

4. Use the vendors traditional
With the rise of the development of the business in the wedding industry, we would be tempted to use a variety of services from a variety of vendors that we find through social media. The price offered is, for example, 150 thousand rupiahs for one box of crockery and 20 thousand rupiah for one piece invitation. As it turns out, if we go to traditional vendors, suppose the service provider crockery and printing the invitation in the traditional market, there is a price difference that much. Making one box seserahan be less than 75 thousand per box, while printing the invitation could reach a price of under 8 thousand dollars for one fruit invitation. Savings are huge!

Even so, keep in mind, the phrase “there is a price, there are goods” also applies in this case. If the business is bona fide can provide service that is above average, we do not too can expect the vendor to provide good service because of the way they set up the business was different. Nevertheless, the quality of the vendors is in terms of the product need not to be questioned, given their already poor transverse in the wedding industry for many years. If you decide to use the services of traditional vendors like this, we should be more proactive in controlling the quality of workmanship and check the development of the project. For example, most vendors of printing in traditional markets will only print out the invitation we most quickly 2 weeks before d-Day, although we have already prepared the design since the previous months. When this happens, do not hesitate to “hang out” in the printing office until the invitation was made! Sometimes we have to go the extra mile!

5. Hold a wedding event on the weekday or off season
Although not necessarily approved by the parents and the family you and your partner, organize a wedding event on a day that is rarely in demand, such as weekday, the Month of Ramadan, and holidays between Christmas and New Year, could save the funds you should spend. A lot of hotel ballroom that can give you a price up to 40%-50% cheaper in working days compared to the normal price at the end of the week. Maybe you could organize a wedding event on the working day before or the day after a national holiday.

Posted by: Wedding Venue Blog

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